Having a common-sense approach to continuity and recovery protects organizations in uncertain times.
How We CRM!
As CRM evolves, our Salesforce and Dynamics expertise helps businesses update workflows and incorporate best practices.
Digitally Accelerating Cash Excellence Using HighRadius
Sirius Solutions has advanced cash acceleration via the HighRadius platform, delivering, automating, and creating intelligent workflows for our clients.
Strategy Is Key To Extracting Value: CRM Implementation
Tailor CRM implementations to flourish within your organization’s unique environment, avoiding one-size-fits-all solutions.
Reduce Operating Costs and Improve Financial Workflows
Significantly reduce balance sheet reconciliation time by implementing machine learning and process automation.
Workflow Automation
As companies are preparing for end-of-year activities like budgeting processes, inventory counts, maintaining vendor and insurance records, employee benefit renewals, completing work for SEC filings and property tax renditions, we recommend using workflow automation to standardize and optimize these tasks.
How To Achieve Integrated Automation
Full-scale automation challenges businesses to revamp processes, tackle resistance, and leverage the best technologies.
Power Query – Cost Free Automation
Leverage no-cost Microsoft Data Query to import and cleanse data, eliminating repetitive error-prone tasks.
A Quick Automation Guide
Introducing effective automation requires a deep understanding of the breadth and scale of technologies available.
BPO For Long-Term Planning
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), sometimes called Managed Services, was a $200B market in 2018.